My Journey to Becoming a Dive Instructor

By Corinne, Open Water Scuba Instructor
29 Aug 2024

I've always been drawn to the water. Growing up, my family was always surrounded by it - whether we were fishing, snorkelling, or exploring rock pools, the water has always been my happy place. Fast forward to February 2008, when I took my first breaths underwater during a Discover Scuba Dive on the Great Barrier Reef. I loved it! It wasn't until January 2019 that I got my Open Water certification at ADI, and from that moment on, I was hooked.

I slowly progressed, gaining more experience by diving with different people, going on a few scuba trips, and earning my Divemaster certification in 2020. When Ting took over ADI, I felt encouraged to take my diving further and decided to pursue the IDC (Instructor Development Course).

There were moments when I thought, "I can't do this!" As is often the case, I took on a lot. But Ting and Ian encouraged me to push on, often showing more faith in me than I had in myself. And that's what ADI and the Geelong IDC do—they encourage and support. The IE (Instructor Exam) was stressful, knowing everything I had put in, but wondering if it was enough.

The exam period was less than ideal, with all the surrounding sounds—an exercise class and then a karate class. At the time, it was horrible, but now I look back and can only laugh. Despite the chaos, Colin, Ash, and I got through it. I like to think it was an experience that bonded us. I learned so much, not just from Ting and Ian, but from Ash and Colin too. I can only hope I gave them something from me as well.

This journey has truly shaped me, and I look forward to giving back to new divers coming in, hoping I can share all that diving has given to me.

- Corinne